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The WORLD From Within | Ifygogo

The WORLD From Within

Within everything that has life its destiny is being coded inside of it.Implication, the greatness you sought for is not outside of you ,it is within you.You ‘ve just got to know yourself and connect to those salient future possiblities, you have within your soul.The life you desire is not outside of you,Just look inside of you.Within us is hidden the necessary resources,gifts and crude ability to fine-tune our lives into that desired personality.That’s why socrates cautioned in the following words,


It will be foolishnesss for the mango tree to look down on the mango fruit and vice versa.As little as the mango seed may seem it birthed that mango tree.The giant oak tree budded from the tiny acorn you could once held comfortably with your hands.The beautiful butterfly was once a larva looking very ugly without showing any physical tendency for such beautiful colours that it will possess in the adult stage,the same butterfly never showed us any physical tendency for wings while in its larva stage.But the fact we don’t see them does not mean that such possibility is not given to the butterly,simply because they are inherent in it.Only time and process will reveal what the butterfly is made up of.If you really want to be alive in yourself you must definitely connect with what lies deep within you without any form of distortion.Everthing great starts from within ,your passion is an indicator of your purpose and what your ultimate destiny may look like in the long run as far as you don’t give up on the process of formation or becoming ,which is spelt out over time.

Your life will definitely take a new turn when you are conscious of those wonderful treasure that nature has planted on the soil of your soul.Becoming is only a question of time,as far as the acorn seed is consistent in itself, it will become a giant oak tree some day and as far the mango seed is allowed to bud it must surely give rise to the mango tree.Anytime we abort or reject process ,the future or destiny of what is within has been aborted irrefutably.if the butterfly larva refuses to continue in the formation process it can never be an adult butterly.It full beauty can never be seen or revealed.

The future you desire,those wonderful mental picture you harness in your mind can become a reality.The soul of a willing being can never be locked out of its intention as far as it is willing to go through the process of becoming in a consistent manner, because “IN CONSISTENCY LIES THE POWER”.Consistency is responsible for the formation process,it imbibes the habit,incubates the pattern within you and permits you to soar effortlessly in what you represent in it fullness.

Never permit your process to be hacked .distorted or aborted by whatsoever.The mango seed must be viable,it is then taken and planted into the soil where it battles with the dust particles, heat and absorbs moisture into itself.The same seed which may be in an uncomfortable zone under the earth surface is actually within the right and supposed environment for it to bud. Sometimes the best of us is buried or nipped in our comfort zone and the best of us becomes fully revealed in our moments of discomfort .A rejection of this process is the outright abortion of the future,destiny and the true you.

A good number of the times nature rejects our blossoming in a comfortable environment because comfort does not permit us to stretch.The more uncomfortable certain things may seem to us right in our natural world,it is supposed that we lift our eyes and see the glorious effect of such things just like a seed planted into the soil,there are certain condition which may seem uncomfortable to us but they are the right or optimal condition for the best of us to be revealed.

TIME and PROCESS is the key .

Make up your mind to become,yield yourself to a given course ,lift your eyes far from your condition or natural zone and begin to see the glory that will be revealed in the future,the greatness that will be birthed .Give it all it may take and humbly submit to the process.It may not sound true,it may look amazing but wisdom demands that we ‘keep on keeping on’. We have it all in us but we will never see them all because only circumstance are meant to reveal or prove them.



©Ifeoma Ikeokwu Issachar

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