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It is very discouraging when you feel  very powerless in yourself not because you are a weak fellow ,but because you feel insufficient and unfulfilled .It is never easy being comfortable with yourself not living out your dreams ,it even seems worse watching another fellow live and express your dreams or passion in the same vibe that you imagined it effortlessly .Man is a creature of power ,principle ,love and cause. Man has all the infinite resources it may take to live out his dream but unfortunately time pays the highest bidding in destiny .You are not good or sufficient enough in yourself if you cannot manage time ,because this is where the major difference lies between the winner and the looser .Man has passion rooted in himself ,that zeal and unrefined willingness to become .That desperate longing that sits on your soul in all confidence waiting for you to tap into it passionately .At certain point in our lives we have felt the fumes and undeniable oozes of this passion in our being ,that longing to become something worthwhile injected in our being may be through our creative imagination ,what we have heard or may be what we have seen .But as days becomes week, weeks turns into month and so on .we don’t feel powerful in ourselves because the older we get , the more likely it becomes that we get across certain failures and we get injected with this subtle feeling of defeat ,then the thoughts of negativity begins to set in and we begin to loose confidence in ourselves. Not minding that we only feel optimistic according to the level of confidence we were able to inject into our soul.

That passion to become will work a miracle one day if you continually feel optimistic in yourself. The passion will likewise get sapped off and you feel defeated or unfulfilled in yourself like every other when you permit the unyielding waves of circumstance to bend you to unforeseen events that can destroy your  self confidence.Every dream can become a reality ,they can find expression someday if we don’t give up on ourselves ,keep adding to self confidence,get the feeling of optimism into yourself every day never look down or feel weak in your ability .Just keep reminding yourself that every thing great starts little .As far as you got air in your nostrils fight to finish .Don’t let down on your dreams get together your childhood passion and feel strong in yourself .You may not look like it now but keep on keeping on .Don’t let life make you the reverse of your supposed identity. Hard work coupled with diligence pays very fine. You will feel strong ,satisfied and fulfilled in your self if your passion and dreams can vent expressions in reality that becomes the dawning of a new day.

There is more to you than you think, don’t  just give up that way .Life is great when it lived in accordance with purpose and strengthened by purposeful relationship.

In the TRUTHS of life, this three words are in tandem with one another if existence will ever seem meaningful:




Though this word are interlinked in terms of relativity with one another in this life,but they still hold deep  and unsacrificed meaning in themselves .You may be fulfilling a given purpose but are you satisfied ?The fact that you are satisfied doesn’t mean that you are fulfilled these words holds diverse meaning with each other but are strengthened by their cordial implications.

You don’t just give up because  of your experience ,you don’t just feel weak or ineffective because of your inability over your passion. The question still remains are you passionate about what you are doing ,do you feel strong in yourself. I keep telling people that passion instills values and will definitely stand out as an irrestible force even when other motivating factor may have faded away into the thin air without any trace of affinity for the supposed course or whatsoever.

Your passion becomes dented and ineffective when you begin to feel  weak ,ineffective or unable .Brutally uproot anything that has the outright or subtle ability of destroying your passion .When your confidence is intact ,your strength is set to be in motion and a miracle is set to happen. Constantly inject yourself with the steady feeling of power and feel motivated consistently over your choice. Appreciate  your present level of strength as you keep looking up to the higher grounds .No one will ever inscribe your name on the marble walls of The GREAT .But you can do that through your passion multiplied by the faith you have in your ability .I am not preaching or exalting self here, but I want to let you know that it takes only you to be you and the person or the miracle you sought for yourself is not outside of the YOU .Yes you can ,but you must feel it strong in yourself that you can and  that settles it all. Do not permit anything to thwart  your passion because at that point it will be referred to as DENTED. Permit yourself to have that feeling ,the ready consciousness of an inward strength ,then the miracle is set to happen .Pick back your dreams and mental creativity even if it those of your childhood ,then arm yourself with the right knowledge  ….And I boldly declare to you that I see you living a life of great meaning if you could put to work everything in this little piece.

© Ifeoma Ikeokwu Issachar

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